Styrets årsmelding 2017/The board’s annual report 2017

The board's annual report 2017 Norsk Reiseliv/Norwegian Tourism Partners has undergone significant changes in 2017. From being a lobby organisation with a purchased secretariat function, its own office with daily manager was established in the autumn of 2016 with the intention of raising the profile of the organisation. We have continued with this [...]

Styrets årsmelding 2017/The board’s annual report 20172018-06-27T11:11:16+02:00

Reiselivsåret 2017

Med 23,3 millioner overnattinger satte norske hoteller ny rekord i 2017. Det var en økning på 3 prosent i forhold til 2016, som var det forrige rekordåret. Det var norske overnattinger som utgjorde veksten for hotellene med 4 prosent økning til 17 millioner gjestedøgn. Mens tallet på utenlandske hotellovernattinger gikk ned med 1 prosent [...]

Reiselivsåret 20172018-02-22T17:26:46+01:00
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